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The english in afrikaans

tumymethau198330 2022. 8. 4. 22:23
  1. ‎English to Afrikaans Translate en App Store.
  2. 👉 English to Afrikaans Translation Online Tool - Translate King.
  3. Afrikaans language | Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica.
  4. Free Poker Equity Calculator - Online Poker Software - Ace Poker Solutions.
  5. 👉 English to Afrikaans translation online ⇽ English ⇿.
  6. A Fascinating Demonstration of the Differences Between English, German.
  7. Afrikaans language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot.
  8. Poker Odds Calculator ().
  9. PokerCruncher - Advanced Poker Odds Apps - Home.
  10. ‎English - Afrikaans on the App Store.
  11. Six+ Odds, Short Deck Poker Equity Calculator - Google Play.
  12. NextGenPoker was built for poker players, by poker players.
  13. English to Afrikaans translation - ImT.
  14. Eval7 · PyPI.

‎English to Afrikaans Translate en App Store.

Afrikaans Translation. Engels. More Afrikaans words for English. Engelse. English. Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words. The best range based poker odds calculator built specifically for mobile. Next Generation Poker works for Texas Hold'Em and Omaha and let's you rack, analyze and visualize your sessions.... data tracking, analysis, and hand vs hand, hand vs range, and range vs range equity calculations. Data Tracking Statistical Tools Secure and Redundant. Google English to Afrikaans Translation is a free service that instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages. Our program for translating languages not only converts text from English to Afrikaans but retains the sense of the original version. Use our applications to translate a text in Afrikaans easily and efficiently for free.

👉 English to Afrikaans Translation Online Tool - Translate King.

Equity Calculator and Equity Drills lets you study equity calculations - hand vs hand, hand vs range, range vs hand and range vs range. - Training can be targeted for specific spots so you can choose what to train and what not to. - Easy to navigate and use. - Eye-friendly color schemes to use the app for long period of times. South African English ( SAfrE, SAfrEng, SAE, en-ZA) [a] is the set of English language dialects native to South Africans. Contents 1 History 2 Varieties 2.1 Anglophone Coloured English 2.2 Black South African English 2.3 Cape Flats English 2.4 Indian South African English 2.5 White South African English 3 Phonology 3.1 Vowels 3.2 Consonants.

Afrikaans language | Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica.

The phrases also helped to reveal verb persons and tenses used in each language. In the conversation section of this video, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans all use the casual forms of "you": du, je, and jy, respectively. English does not have casual and formal forms of "you". Managed WordPress at Laughing Squid Hosting.

Free Poker Equity Calculator - Online Poker Software - Ace Poker Solutions.

. Comprehensive on‐line dictionary English/Afrikaans with handy features to facilitate translation of words from English to Afrikaans and vice versa. Using our poker odds calculator engine, we first calculated the "fixed-preflop, post-river" winning probability of all 169 types of starting hands. Then, we ranked and ordered the starting hands from the best to worst in the table and chart below. Essentially, we use the winning chance as a measure of hand strength.

👉 English to Afrikaans translation online ⇽ English ⇿.

English Afrikaans Dictionary to Improve your English vocab and learn new English words without causing information overload. You can convert an image to text. World the highest speed reading from Image to Text. It turns your mobile phone to a text scanner and translator. English to Afrikaans dictionary app is very easy to use as an offline. It's that simple! Let's look at an example to calculate the poker equity using the rule of 4 and 2. Your Hand: 3♦ 4♦. Flop: 8♦ K♣ 2♦. We have a flush draw with 9 outs. So, when we are on the flop waiting for the turn, we have 36% equity. Equity on the Flop = 9 outs x 4. = 36%.

A Fascinating Demonstration of the Differences Between English, German.

English to Afrikaans translation. English. Translate files. for $0.07/word. Afrikaans. 0 letter. 15000 letters left today.

Afrikaans language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot.

PKR Calc is a poker odds calculator that computes equities for matchups in Hold'em, Short Deck (6+), and 5+. You can calculate equities for players in 2-10 player scenarios, whether they are hand vs hand, hand vs range, or range vs range. You can save, load, and export scenarios & ranges. And you can also view hand category stats for each of.. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Afrikaans language. Below is a table showing the Afrikaans alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word. Afrikaans Alphabet. English Sound. Pronunciation Example. A a. aa.

Poker Odds Calculator ().

The Translation service allows you to easily translate from English to Afrikaans language with one click of the mouse. It includes a set of language tools to facilitate your translation job: multilingual Virtual keyboard, Spell-checker, Dictionary, Russian decoder and Transliteration, Text to Speech, Back translation and others. A quick English Afrikaans dictionary ( offline ), effective translation, tests (writing, speaking, listening) and games... Everything you need to learn Afrikaans vocabulary quickly. Afrikaans to.

PokerCruncher - Advanced Poker Odds Apps - Home.

It allows instantaneous Afrikaans to English translation, so it's easy to see how the Afrikaans changes as you type in English. More than 2000 phrases are available for common conversation situations in Afrikaans and English and are divided into categories like Tickets, Hotel, Dining, Hospital, Transportation, Sightseeing, Conversation, Airport, and etc. for easy use.

‎English - Afrikaans on the App Store.

This platform is very easy to use to translate into Afrikaans from English words. Just type or paste your English text in the left input box and press the space-bar key to get the translated text into Afrikaans in the right output box. E.g. "How are you" meaning in Afrikaans is "Hoe gaan dit". Jun 07, 2017 In this hand the caller flops top pair with KQ but faces a jam. Bart uses the opportunity to go over how to easily calculate your equity vs a range in your head. If you want to call in with a hand. Poker software rapidly caught up with theory, so that now there are many tools that allow range vs range analysis.

Six+ Odds, Short Deck Poker Equity Calculator - Google Play.

With the hand range calculator, you can calculate a range against various ranges with or without board- and dead-cards with a given range of equity. Just enter the hands, ranges and/or board in the main window and click the hand range calculator button right to an empty input field, where the calculated range should be inserted. Afrikaans to English translation service by ImTranslator will assist you in getting an instant translation of words, phrases and texts from Afrikaans to English and other languages. Afrikaans to English Translation provides the most convenient access to online translation service powered by various machine translation engines. 2-7 Lowball. Omaha. Hints: You can separate cards in a hand with either a comma or a space (for easy pasting of hand histories) For draw games separate discards with a /. Game. Holdem Holdem Hi/Lo 8 or better Omaha Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or better 7 Card Stud 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 8 or better 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo no qualifier Razz Deuce to Seven Lowball. Board.

NextGenPoker was built for poker players, by poker players.

The App Store's Top Texas Hold'emOdds/Equity Calculator. Take your game to the next level with PokerCruncher , an advanced (and Mac-Expert ) professional-level hand ranges and flop texture analysis Texas Hold'em odds/equity calculator that goes well beyond the standard features. This is because Afrikaans is a Germanic language (like English). Both English and Afrikaans have similar sentence structures, contain similar-sounding words, and both languages use a singular gender (as opposed to several genders used by romance languages like Spanish and French). Trying to learn Afrikaans online?. Six+ Odds is a poker odds calculator for Short Deck Hold'em. This app helps to calculate players' probabilities of winning, not only for 'hand vs hand', but also 'hand vs range' and 'range vs range'. From 1 to 10 players. Enter up to 10 players. Use calculator in English or Chinese.

English to Afrikaans translation - ImT.

For Afrikaans and English, where the words come from the same origins, they are often called "cognates", because they mean the same thing, and come from the same place. And warm is definitely an English word for a temperature (of water, air, body, food...) that is between cold an hot. "My hand is in warm water" is Afrikaans for the.

Eval7 · PyPI.

Description. Afrikaans to English and English to Afrikaans Dictionary. The Afrikaans to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Afrikaans words in English as well as the English words into Afrikaans. The app has a big vocabulary database that allows you to find the meanings of all the difficult English and Afrikaans words simultaneously. Is Afrikaans similar to Dutch? How similar are German and English? Let's compare the four most spoken West Germanic languages - English vs. German vs. Dutch. Native speakers of English and Bantu languages are also second language speakers of Afrikaans. Around 10.3 million students study Afrikaans as a second language. It is likewise a second language in Namibia. It is recognized as a regional language in Namibia together with German, while English is the official language used in the government.

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